Thursday, July 22, 2010

A Small Dab of Something New

Well I found this pretty sweet website that let's me write cool articles on food. However I wasn't aware that they only wanted articles on food so I wrote a little something on cloth diapering. I thought I could post it on here (per Carley).
So here it is, hope ya' learn something new:

Cloth Diapers Vs. Disposable Diapers

Dirty diapers become a large part of your life as a new parent. You probably never thought the aftermath of lunch from another person would be such a significant part of your life. When thinking of your beautiful child, you most likely have some thoughts on what kind of diapers you want to use. If you are like any other person, brands like Pampers and Huggies, probably come into mind, but have you ever considered using cloth diapers instead of disposable? There are many reasons why cloth diapers are very beneficial opposed to disposable.

Today more and more people are concerned with their pocketbooks. Money is tight; diapers are expensive. For a quality pack of disposable diapers, you would be spending around 20.00 for a pack of 60. Newborns use about ten diapers a day. Monthly you would be spending about 100.00 for the first three months, which initially equals 300.00.

When using cloth diapers you have the benefit of washing the soiled material to re-use again. For the basic cloth diaper, your cost is about 15.00 for a pack of 12, and about 15.00 for a nice cover, which doesn’t have to be washed often. To start off you only need about three-dozen diapers and about two covers. This would cost you around 75.00. Keep in mind that the older your baby gets, the less diapers you will use.

Besides the fact that you would save money, consider the impact you would have on the environment. Since about 80% of diapering is done by disposable, about 18 billion diapers are used a year. That’s 18 billion diapers in the landfills. It takes about 250-500 years for one diaper to decompose. That is a lot of waste, and a lot of time to rid of it.

You care so much for your tiny ones skin, so how about the health of a cloth diaper versus the health of a disposable. Disposable diapers contain an extremely pollutant chemical called “dioxin”, this chemical is caused by a paper bleaching process, and has been linked to causing Cancer. It is banned in many countries, but not in the United States. Disposable diapers also contain “tributyl-tin,” which is another toxic pollutant that has caused hormonal changes in humans. There are many other harmful pollutants in these diapers. If most people knew of these things, they wouldn’t want to put the fibers up to their child’s skin. Cloth diapers are as simple as a cotton shirt on your back. The fibers are soft, pure, and gentle.

Most people would oppose cloth diapers because of the work that comes with them. There are many options when cloth diapering your baby. We have moved passed your typical plastic panties, and sharp pins. Here is a list of the different types of diaper options:

· Prefold Cloth Diapers- your basic and cheapest form of cloth diapering. These diapers are a flat piece of cloth in which you fold, use a Snappi to keep together, and a cover to protect from leaks. (A Snappi is the alternative to diaper pins, much easier and safer to use)

· Fitted Cloth Diapers- the next level of the cloth diaper. These are like the prefold, but are sewn in the shape of a diaper and usually have snaps or Velcro to fasten together. These still need a cover to prevent leakage.

· All in One Cloth Diapers- these include a liner, and a waterproof cover all sewn together. Many companies such as Bumgenius and Kushies make these. These look just like a disposable, but they’re washable!

· Pocket Cloth Diapers-These are like All in One diapers yet they contain a pocket that you can stuff with more liners, and doublers, for extra absorbency. Swaddlebees makes an All in One, one size pocket diaper to grow with your baby!

Using cloth diapers is cheaper, more earth friendly and more baby friendly. Cloth diapers are a lot easier than most people know, and there are many options in doing so. Choosing cloth diapers is one small step to a larger change. Your choice can change the Earth, the economy, and your family.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Heart shaped sunglasses

I was reading some poems written by my wife and some write by one of my best friends(his blog: so I thought I would post one of my slam poems.
Here it is:
Heart Shaped Sunglasses
My hope is built on solid ground
Where it shines so bright you have to put sunglasses on
Because my hope is the joy of knowing I'm wrapped up so tight in his arms that I can barley breathe
But that's OK because I know I breathe because he first breathed into me

So break loose from these chains
You can conquer the grave
Just knock on the door and let your voice find its way

Fill up your lungs
Let it out as loud as you can
Then be silent
Because there is something beautiful when you're among God and you're quiet

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Belly Laughs

Corey and I have been parents for almost nine months now. I didn't even make it that long with pregnancy. It seems so surreal, these moments turn into days, days into weeks, and weeks into months...which are soon to add up to one year.

Thinking back to everything that led up to the birth of our beautiful Isaiah takes my breath away. Meeting Jesus, meeting my beautiful husband, getting married, and having a baby 13 some odd months later. Boy is God gracious.

Today Isaiah and I played for an hour straight. He crawled down our hallway of a home and looked behind him every other second, with his huge blue eyes sparkling, just to make sure I was chasing after him. I would sometimes yell in an excited voice, "mommy is going to get you." and he would look back, cracking up. It was amazing. It wasn't long before I had realized a whole hour had passed by. It's crazy how much fun you can have with someone whom you cannot verbally communicate with.

Soon enough we will have more pictures of our beautiful blessing attached to this blog. We are just waiting on a usb cable to come in the mail.

Yesterday was his nine month check up! He weighed 16.15 and is 27 inches long. How did an embryo turn into that? With lots of love from the Lord. Nothing else can explain it.

So, since I don't have any real recent photos on the computer, I will post the ones I do have.

On Christmas!

Isaiah and his future wife, Esther.

He is just adorable.

At his Uncle Andy's and Uncle Chris's show

Us at his cousin Courtney's graduation

He looks like his papa.
With his great great Memaw.

Poems can rhyme, but they don't have to.

Wake up

Scratch head

Put baby back to bed

Lie down

Look around

Wonder what to do in this town

Kinda frown

Stand up

Sit down

Boredom strikes

Lady fights

See book out corner of eye

Listen to some of Satan’s lies

Open book








Evil flees

Love needs

Some water for its thirsting mouth

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Jesus Plants a Pretty Good Seed

Well Corey and I finally have our own blog. Neat-o. I don't really have any ideas for a big introduction so I am just going to share some of the great things that have been happening to us lately.
Last night I received a phone call from a young lady that I mentored a couple of years ago. I must admit that I was hesitant to answer her phone call. For a while Satan really worked his way into this girl's mind. I remember countless conversations between the two of us about Jesus and how he was apparently just a load of crap. I just wanted to be lazy, didn't want to deal with all of the bitterness and name calling of our Savior.
However, with much Glory to God, she was doing well! Very well actually. She is now loving Jesus, and He is using her many gifts to further The Kingdom! Praise God! She had called to thank me for working with her, and still pursuing her despite all of her negative thoughts about the Lord. I told her that I wished I was more involved in her life now, and she threw out a little ditty about how some people plant the seed, others sow...and so on. It was quite encouraging to know that all of the work I put in had had some outcome. Though it was all Jesus working through me.
Tonight Corey and I hung out with an old friend who had been dealing with addiction for a really long time. He is getting cleaned up now and is loving the Lord, which is awesome. We are very happy to be involved in his life. We are very excited to grow with him in the Lord.
Hanging out with our friend reminded me of the conversation I had with the girl the night before. The conversation about some people planting and some people sowing. It's really nice to be on the other side for a change. Sometimes I feel like I do a pretty crappy job of sharing the Gospel. And I am sure my human-self does, but God really does work through me when He knows the job needs to get done. But sometimes it is nice to experience the other side of salvation with another believer. With someone who has had a seed planted, and now needs fellow Christians to build him up. I am excited to celebrate two "prodigal son" situations. God is amazing.