Thursday, November 20, 2014

Gideon Abel Russell

Gideon Abel Russell
Born October 23, 2014 at 5:47 p.m. (39 weeks)
Weighing 8 lbs 15 ounces
Measuring 21 inches long
Birth team:
Juliet (midwife) Lynne (assistant midwife) Stephanie (doula) Corey (loving supportive husband)

Written addressed to my beautiful third son.

Dear Gideon,

Our third son. I cannot believe God chose us to have a third son. Again, God surprised me with your birth. Unlike your older brother Titus, we knew you would be a boy. But to our surprise you came a week before your due date.

Just like both times before, I was in labor with you for weeks before you came. I had strong irregular contractions, and weak regular contractions, and even regular strong contractions the weeks before you came.

I prayed so hard to be patient. The last month had been a roller coaster of emotions. I worried I had a scary condition that I didn't. I was so tired. I wanted you to come, but I wanted you to stay in as long as you needed.

The night before you came I was at the end of my rope. I had sat on the couch all day because I was so exhausted. I waited until 4:00 pm to do dishes and had a late start on dinner. As I was cooking I splashed grease on my belly-and had a dramatic moment.
"God, please bring this baby to me soon!" I cried.

When daddy got home from work I laid all of my burdens on him, only to find he had a fever and felt ill. I quickly regretted my prayer and feared laboring with a sick husband.

Your brothers and I ate dinner. Daddy put them to bed and took some home remedies. Garlic, vitamin C and a hot toddy.

Around 11:30 p.m. contractions felt much more regular. But in disbelief, I ignored them and went to sleep.

Around 1:30 a.m. I woke up to pee as usual, and felt they were more intense. I timed them and they were falling more regularly. I woke Daddy and told him not to worry, but to be prepared. Praise God that his fever had broken and he was feeling much better. I forced myself back to sleep, knowing I may really need rest if I was going into active labor.

I awoke again at 3:30, ate a snack, and told daddy "more intense." I did some pelvic tilts to try to turn you from posterior (you kiddos like that position). I climbed back into bed and tried to force myself back to sleep.

I tossed and turned and felt the contractions go from regular to irregular, back to regular, and into quite painful. Around 5:00 a.m. I decided to take a shower. Back labor was present, but I still didn't believe this was it.

I remember standing in the shower and staring down at you in my belly. I began to long for the feel of Isaiah's hair and the sound of Titus' voice. Mommy feelings were oozing from me. God was listening because Titus pitter pattered in to tell me he loved me.

Daddy put Titus back to bed. I got out of the shower and dressed. Daddy decided to put our friend Amanda on call for picking up the boys, and he called into work. I believe at this point we alerted our doula that we may need her later. We waited to call Juliet, we wanted her to be well rested.

Mommy rested until 7:00 a.m. Your brothers were ready to start the day around then.

I spent the next few hours doing labor positions, getting rubs from Titus and Daddy, napping, eating, drinking water, and laughing. I was so happy to be in the presence of our family. I wanted to soak in our last few hours as a foursome.

We went on a family walk. I was totally myself despite needing to stop to breathe through contractions. Though I had been this way for weeks.

We came home and had Amanda pick up your brothers.

Daddy and I ate lunch. We cuddled, gave lots of kisses, laughed, and joked. Daddy rubbed my back as I got on hands and knees through each contraction.

Around 12:30 p.m. We alerted the birth team that we really thought this was it. I finally admitted it. We called Juliet a little earlier she said
"Call if you think its getting intense, or if you think its going to get intense."
We were thinking the later.

Daddy and I cried, and prayed, and sang songs to Jesus together. We were so thankful you were coming.
I decided to take another shower. I wanted the tub, but Juliet's rule is no tub until she arrives because it can speed things up before she arrives.

I begged for the tub. I told Daddy I couldn't do it. I knew at this point I was close to transition.

Juliet arrived around 2:00 or 2:30. I got of the showe as soons as I heard her soothing voice. We talked but my body was falling into labor. She relaxed me and the contractions began piling.

When Stephanie arrived I had her fill the tub.
I got in and began to relax. I began to breathe with the rhythm of the contractions and vocalize.

I just spent time relaxing and breathing over the next couple of hours. Contractions were intense and piling on top of each other. I had felt pushy for a while, but I chose breathing over pushing. I could feel you move down with each contraction.

I envisioned waterfalls, and picnics in the woods with your daddy and brothers. I prayed and pleaded. I heard encouragment from Stephanie, Juliet, and Daddy.
They brought me water and cold rangs. They checked your beautiful heart rate.

At around 4:00 pm I finally asked Juliet to check my dilation. I needed a push of encouragement and hopefully not discouragement.

To my surprise (not Juliets) I was 9.5 cm dilated with a bulging bag of waters.
I praised God loudly. Daddy suggested sitting up to help you move down. I didn't listen. You would have come much sooner if I had listened. But I didn't want to move.

After about an hour more of contractions, Juliet and Stephanie decided to ask me to move. I was pushy and laying down was not doing much.

So they helped me out of the tub and on to the toilet aka the birth throne- where I also birthed Titus.

Once I sat down the pushing began. One push, I felt you moving down. Two pushed, "her water broke!" The birth team and Daddy joined my side.
Three pushes, "here comes his head!"
Four pushes, there you were.

Blueish at first, no vernix really at all, not a lot of noise until I hugged you, you let out a cry. My beautiful Gideon.

Only six minutes of pushing! Praise the Lord.
After cuddles, a little nursing, and gushing, you were measured and weighed. 8.15lbs 21 inches. Another big, beautiful boy.
Born in the comfort of our home, loved by mommy, daddy, Isaiah, and Titus.

We are excited to watch you grow. Praise the Lord that we get to spend time with another precious soul formed by Him.

We love you Gideon Abel Russell.
