Saturday, August 27, 2011

Titus Samuel Russell

Titus Samuel Russell
Born at home:July 13, 2011
2:36 p.m.
Weighing 10 lbs 1 ounce, and 22 inches long
Birth Team: Juliet Dietsch(midwife) Aundria Radmacher(assistant midwife) Maya Hawthorn (assistant in the making) and Corey Russell (loving supportive husband)

Written addressed to my second beautiful son.

Our second son, so loving and handsome. Finding out God had gifted us with another boy was such a pleasant surprise! I looked up at your dad moments after you entered the world, only to hear him say "Hi Titus." Tears came to my eyes as a joyfully asked, "It's a boy?!" We were so excited in waiting to find out your gender!

I was in labor with you for weeks before your arrival. Everyday for about a month I would have intense sporadic contractions, or weak regular contractions. We thought you were never going to come. But God taught us to be patient, and you did. Come to find out, all of those contractions were slowly preparing my body for you to arrive. I was 5cm dilated the afternoon before you arrived, the midwife had checked me, and stripped my membranes that day. You were a week overdue. She assured us that if you were ready to come,stripping the membranes would cause you to arrive 24 to 48 hours after, and if not...we would wait another week.

An hour after leaving our appointment I found myself feeling more intense contractions, but I was so busy with your brother I didn't pay much attention to them. "Could this be it?" I wondered in excitement, but still did the usual routine. I made dinner, waited for daddy to come home, cleaned up, and settled down to snuggle with daddy and Isaiah for the night. I went to bed late that night, ignoring the advice of one of the midwives.

At about 3:00 a.m. I woke with some pretty intense contractions, and decided to take a bath. I remember seeing a daddy long leg in the tub that morning...and being really aggravated with it. I ran the water, and sat there for only a couple of minutes...then rushed into our bedroom with pain that made me vocalize. Daddy called Grammy and Pepaw to come and get Isaiah, and called the midwife...who could hear me in the background, and used that as her cue to come.

I sat on the floor for a while, as your daddy tried to soothe me with a rice sock on my back. As soon as I felt the back pain, I knew I was going to have tons of back labor. You were turned in a weird position that caused more back labor to mommy. But no worries, God pushed us through.

The midwives arrived around 5:00 a.m. I was already hitting transition at this point, which is the hardest part of labor. They made themselves as home, as mommy and daddy slow danced in our dark bedroom. We were both so excited that you'd soon be here. And both praying that you would come quickly.

The midwives had suggested that we move to the bathtub because of my back labor. I went with much excitement, and spent most the time there. I relaxed, prayed, and focused. Daddy brought me snacks, rubbed my head, and gave lots of kisses...but mostly just sat beside me quietly, as I was off in labor land, praying and meditating.
I often had to lay on my right side because you were coming down into the birth canal with your head turned in an odd position. But we worked together with God, and your head turned correctly!

The midwives checked me at about 11:00 a.m., and I was almost 10cm dilated, which meant things were really progressing. Soon after my water broke and a little after that the pushing began.
I pushed you standing for a while, which was exhausting. I felt an adrenaline rush come over my body as I pushed down. The strength of God alone helped me endure this. We moved to the toilet, where you were almost completely pushed out! But we didn't want you to be born into the toilet, so mommy squatted right in front, and with a few more pushes, you were out! It took 45 minutes all in all, because you were a BIG BOY.

I was so excited to pull you to my chest as soon as you were born. Such joy filled my soul as I looked at you, and your alien head. The aftermath was amazing. Your daddy was the first to discover your gender, and we were so excited and thankful to welcome you into our family!

We named you Titus, which means "of the giants" perfectly fitting because of your size...but also in hopes of you one day having giant faith. We are so happy to dedicate your soul to the Lord, and to raise you along with your brother in the midst of his grace.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I Had Ashes Put on My Forehead Today!

Chelsea and I were woken this morning at 6:17 am. Isaiah was standing in his crib holding on to the rails, bouncing up and down singing songs to our King. It was beautiful. He woke us up just in time to get ready for a gathering known as Ash Wednesday. I'm glad he did because it was a very profound experience. Chelsea, Isaiah, and I gathered with about 300 other people at Sojourn to take part in this event. Ash Wednesday is, as Pastor Daniel put it, the kick off of lent. It is a time to remember death, to understand and reflect on the fact that our bodies are failing, and that we can do nothing to stop it. It is a time to remember that even our Savior King Jesus died.
As we were leaving we passed two of our beloved friends; they were mourning this very real thing called death. It was at that moment that God pushed my heart to realize the gravity of why we had gathered. I finally understood, as I was watching my friend seek comfort in the words of her husband (who was only reflecting the love of God), that death has a very harsh sting.
In a few days lent will be among us, and a lot of us will be making some sort of sacrifice. We will be giving something up so that we may lean on God in order to grow closer to Him. We will experience, in our own jaded tainted way, what He felt having to sacrifice His son. We will be giving something up, all in light of knowing that our bodies will die.
So let us praise God for Easter Sunday! We can finally rejoice, knowing that our sacrifices and our longing to be closer to our Creator is not in vain. Even though our Savior died, and was put in the grave, on the third day the grave was empty. Our King arose with the keys and we as Christians will not have to taste the bitter taste of death. There is comfort in the love of God and claiming victory over the monster death.
I am very excited to say HE HAS RISEN INDEED!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Isaiah Alexander Russell

I was overwhelmed with joy while spending some time in prayer this morning. As I prayed for Isaiah and his future as a growing boy, I started to think about him as a growing boy. That would make sense to do, right?
I had prayed for Isaiah to have a loving, forgiving heart. As well as a joyous soul that longs for Jesus. Tears about came to my eyes as I thought about my little 14 month old, who picks his nose and eats food off of the floor, as a person with deep thoughts, a conscience, and even a memory.
Corey and I often talk about "older Isaiah." Corey has visions of him being tough, athletic, and incredibly smart. I have thoughts of him being sensitive, artistic, and still incredibly smart. These are our selfish thoughts-and no we do not plan to "make" him this person, whatsoever. Our thoughts are never expectations, just thoughts.
However, when I think of Isaiah being Godly, bold, loving, kind, forgiving...(the list could go on), my heart fills with a different excitement. Proverbs 22:6 says: "Train your child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not turn from it." I know that doesn't necessarily mean Isaiah will not be a sinner, because he already is. And, if I don't live long enough to see Isaiah come to Christ, then I will die trusting in God. But in hopes that he will be a Godly, loving, kind, and forgiving man...I will seek to train and teach him the best I can.
My boy is already a beautiful little dude. He makes me smile every time he learns something new. He gives the best hugs in the Universe, and hearing him sing makes me cry. God has already taught me so much through this little soul. God has taught me more of who I need to be.