Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Isaiah Alexander Russell

I was overwhelmed with joy while spending some time in prayer this morning. As I prayed for Isaiah and his future as a growing boy, I started to think about him as a growing boy. That would make sense to do, right?
I had prayed for Isaiah to have a loving, forgiving heart. As well as a joyous soul that longs for Jesus. Tears about came to my eyes as I thought about my little 14 month old, who picks his nose and eats food off of the floor, as a person with deep thoughts, a conscience, and even a memory.
Corey and I often talk about "older Isaiah." Corey has visions of him being tough, athletic, and incredibly smart. I have thoughts of him being sensitive, artistic, and still incredibly smart. These are our selfish thoughts-and no we do not plan to "make" him this person, whatsoever. Our thoughts are never expectations, just thoughts.
However, when I think of Isaiah being Godly, bold, loving, kind, forgiving...(the list could go on), my heart fills with a different excitement. Proverbs 22:6 says: "Train your child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not turn from it." I know that doesn't necessarily mean Isaiah will not be a sinner, because he already is. And, if I don't live long enough to see Isaiah come to Christ, then I will die trusting in God. But in hopes that he will be a Godly, loving, kind, and forgiving man...I will seek to train and teach him the best I can.
My boy is already a beautiful little dude. He makes me smile every time he learns something new. He gives the best hugs in the Universe, and hearing him sing makes me cry. God has already taught me so much through this little soul. God has taught me more of who I need to be.


  1. Chelsea, this is absolutely beautiful! It made me stop and think how are we training Emma. She is very impressionable right now being in school with her peers. She even told me the other day that she and Alayna have decided that Emma has to have everything Alayna has. Angie and I got a huge giggle out of this. But, none the less, it did make me think. Are we training her to be God's princess? She and I have talked about how you should act, how you should dress, how you should speak, etc. We do remind her of various things God states in the Bible for children. I just feel as though we are lacking somewhere, I feel as though there is more we could be doing to help her in her walk with God to make her want to know Jesus.

  2. this is a beautiful picture of a godly momma's heart.
