Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Sky Is a Blessing, I'm Sure.

I have been blessed an incredible amount. Corey and Isaiah Alexander have brought so much joy to my life.

I never thought that I could handle waking up at 7:30 a.m. every morning, and going to bed around 11:00 every night (with the constant two to three time interruptions in between sleeping) would be something I could handle. Staying home has been such a blessing.

Teaching Isaiah the story of Jesus, making food from scratch, cleaning up all of the boys messes. Listening to my husbands visions, thoughts, and rants. Listening to Isaiah babble on in the middle of conversations. Giving up nice clothes, dinner's out, shows... peace and quiet. When did this become so enjoyable? I love every bit of it.

Living life simply, and all for the glory of God. I struggle with that... but striving for His glory is a goal worth the fight. God sure has given me enough to make the narrow road a lot easier to travel down.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Love Holds No Record of Wrongs

I have some spent some time on the social networking site, Facebook. After spending about an hour on the website today, I have realized a lot of corruption in our World.
I read links that people "like" that are related to complete selfishness. One said, "Sorry means nothing if you are going to keep doing the same thing." That one really sticks out in my mind.

I know I have acted upon this thought before. Someone told me they were sorry, and kept acting the same way...and I decided to continue being mad at them. It's easy to act that way. This thought is very "good for you" in the Worldly aspect. But it's not of God.

We do this to Jesus all of the time. We say we're sorry and we keep on sinning. But He still loves us and forgives us. We probably do this to people too. I know I have done it to Corey 100 times or more. But he still loves me and forgives me.

We can't live out that statement. It's not the way we were called to be.
1 Corinthians 13 was not just directed to married couples. It's for the World.

Monday, August 9, 2010

"Allah Allah Allah, in every blade of grass."

Last night Corey and I went on a date to see the band Mewithoutyou. It was a little overwhelming at first, we had not been to a larger "non-local" show in what seemed like years. I forgot about the large crowd around the stage and people dancing so intensely that the probability of you getting hit in the face with a straggling arm was on the high side.

We had a great time though. Worshiping in such a setting is always so refreshing to me. Being in a place where you are surrounded by equal part Christian and non-Christian. It was really neat to observe the people who were worshiping around me. Hands were thrown into the air as people called out to Abba Father. There is such a rawness to worshiping with people you have never seen in your life, and with your husband holding you tightly.

I personally, feel so renewed today. Corey and I have been struggling hard lately with the junk Satan has thrown at us. Family issues have been stirred up again and again. Slothfulness and idleness have been my favorite activity to take part in. Anger and rage have been building walls around Corey's heart. But God is at work. He delivers us every time. Praise Him for his grace and His comfort.