Monday, August 9, 2010

"Allah Allah Allah, in every blade of grass."

Last night Corey and I went on a date to see the band Mewithoutyou. It was a little overwhelming at first, we had not been to a larger "non-local" show in what seemed like years. I forgot about the large crowd around the stage and people dancing so intensely that the probability of you getting hit in the face with a straggling arm was on the high side.

We had a great time though. Worshiping in such a setting is always so refreshing to me. Being in a place where you are surrounded by equal part Christian and non-Christian. It was really neat to observe the people who were worshiping around me. Hands were thrown into the air as people called out to Abba Father. There is such a rawness to worshiping with people you have never seen in your life, and with your husband holding you tightly.

I personally, feel so renewed today. Corey and I have been struggling hard lately with the junk Satan has thrown at us. Family issues have been stirred up again and again. Slothfulness and idleness have been my favorite activity to take part in. Anger and rage have been building walls around Corey's heart. But God is at work. He delivers us every time. Praise Him for his grace and His comfort.

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