Monday, September 13, 2010

Busy September

Corey and I had a really amazing weekend, celebrating my birthday and our two year anniversary. On Saturday we dropped Isaiah off at my moms for the night. It was the first night we had gone without our handsome baby. The emotions were a little mixed.

We started the day off by having a picnic at the top of Iroquois Park. It was nice. The breeze was cool, it was foggy out. We ate pita and bagel sandwiches and looked out on to the city.

Corey's parents got us a hotel room at a place that had a water park. That was neat. We acted like 14 year olds and went down water slides. It made us miss Isaiah a lot, because there were a lot of kids there, but it was still fun. We enjoyed ourselves.

We ended the night by just relaxing, eating, and watching television. That is a luxury when you have no TV set, and normally have a little baby making a mess to clean up. It was nice not to have to clean up after myself, Corey, or Isaiah. It was also nice to get a full nights sleep. That hasn't happened in over a year. It felt weird not inching to the coffee pot like a salted slug, which happens daily any other morning .

We enjoyed our day together. Though having a baby makes those times feel oddly different. We woke up early and left two hours before check out just to go and pick him up.

Sunday was nice as well. My family got together to celebrate my birthday. It was nice to see all of my sisters. Two of them I had not talked to in a month or so. I miss my family, and we all live within a 30 mile distance from each other. There is talk of us doing a family day every Sunday here on out. I am looking forward to it.

Today is mine and Corey's actual anniversary. He is working, unfortunately. We shall celebrate when he arrives home!


  1. Happy Birthday! Happy Anniversary!

    Glad to hear you all got some special treatment. love that you said, "inching to the coffee pot like a salted slug".

  2. This was fun to read. I miss you guys and it's nice to visit your life every once in a while. Hopefully we will be visiting in person sooner than later.
